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Netflix wins big on the Nordic online video market

2018-01-09    1781 Reads

Now, at the end of 2017, approximately 7.7 million Nordic 15-74 year olds watch online video an average day. Compared to 2016, this is an increase of almost 15%. On the other hand, traditional TV viewing is decreasing approximately 7% in the same period. Most of the growth of online viewing profits global actors such as Netflix, Youtube and HBO, as locals continue to fall behind.

Across the Nordics, Netflix and Youtube attain more than 50% of all online viewing. Global services also lead in terms of subscription video on demand (SVOD). Netflix, HBO Nordic
Amazon together account for more than four million subscribing households. Local Nordic media actors, on the other hand, only attain half of that amount. The gap between the globals and the locals has actually been increasing yearly since 2013. As we move forward in 2018, Mediavision sees no clear signs that this would come to a change.

“2017 has been an eventful year in the media industry, and the Nordics is not an exception. The shift in consumption from traditional to digital media has continued, with investments and revenues following. Towards 2018, the consumer development will likely be accompanied by an even more fierce competition, leading to both vertical and horizontal consolidations – locally and globally. The AT&T/Time Warner and Fox/Disney deals, together with Facebook Watch’s potential global release are some factors that will have a great impact on the video market as a whole – and almost certainly throughout the Nordics,” says Marie Nilsson, CEO at Mediavision.


Netflix in SDMC

SDMC has got Netflix and Android TV authorization. We have rich experience to quickly obtain Android TV and Netflix certification. With the development strategy (content + OTT platform + hardware), we will help operators quickly build their own OTT video business operation ecosystem platform to make profits. Through the influence of  Netflix, it helps to expand the market share of operators. Customers can also enjoy the endless online video from Google Play, Netflix, YouTube etc.

Get your OTT TV Solution, please contact info@sdmctech.com




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