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SDMC showcased innovative products at Africa Com 2018

2018-11-16    2183 Reads

SDMC, a leading innovator and promoter within the Android TV solutions, demonstrated innovative and affordable Android TV STBs and OTT TV Platform XMediaTV at Africa Com from 13 to 15 Nov, 2018.

AfricaCom 2018

SDMC Android TV STB for Netflix program enables operators to deliver their digital TV solutions with Netflix efficiently.

Besides, OTT+DVB Hybrid STB and 4G Router STB also attracts operators’ interests. XMediaTV enables operators to take advantage of new business models.

AfricaCom 2018

SDMC looks forward to seeing even more consumers enjoy high-quality content on their Android TVs.
Thank you for visiting us. see you next year!


SDMC is committed to providing the leading solutions of Digital Video, Smart Connection, and Cloud Services for Operators.

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